To integrate and use a microservice in Amalgam8, it needs to be registered in the Amalgam8 Registry. The most basic way of registering, which can be used for microservices running on any platform / runtime, is shown in the following diagram:
Registration, heartbeats and health checks. The Amalgam8 Sidecar is used to register and continuously send heartbeats to the registry on behalf of a microservice instance. In addition, the sidecar keeps track of the health of the application (microservice A in the figure above) and stops sending heartbeats if or when it terminates, soon after which the registration in the Amalgam8 Registry will expire and be removed.
If the sidecar is unable to send heartbeats to the Registry for some reason
(say network disruption), the service’s entry in the Registry might expire
after the TTL
period, causing the instance information to be removed from
the Registry. In other words, the instance will become unavailable to other
microservices. When the sidecar re-establishes connectivity with the
Registry, it re-registers the service. This is a common service
registration design pattern used in many microservice frameworks, and will
work for services running anywhere.
Interoperability. A key design feature of Amalgam8 Registry is to leverage features of any particular runtime platform that a microservice may be deployed in. The Registry supports the concept of catalogs – pluggable modules that can be used to populate the Registry with information from other sources instead of the sidecar, such as Etcd, Consul, Kubernetes’ internal registry, Netflix Eureka, etc.
Currently, the Registry provides catalog adapters that can obtain service registration information from Kubernetes and Eureka. In addition, for Eureka the Amalgam8 Registry also supports the Eureka API and can therefore alternatively be used directly as a drop-in replacement for Eureka in environments where Netflix Eureka is not also deployed.
Registering external services. Amalgam8 is typically used to control communication between internal application microservices. However, routing rules may also be injected for external cloud- and Web-based services, such social network sites, hosted database services that are part of the cloud platform, etc. This extends Amalgam8’s benefits, such as resiliency testing, to include the full set of services used by the application. To enable specifying routing rules on external services, they must first be visible via the Amalgam8 registry. The File catalog can be used to register such external services with the registry.
The rest of this guide is structured as follows:
Eureka API Compatibility describes how to use the Amalgam8 Registry as a drop-in replacement for Netflix Eureka, and configure clients such as Ribbon or Spring Cloud applications that use the Eureka API.
File Catalog describes how to use the file-based catalog to register external services such as third party APIs with the Amalgam8 Registry.
Kubernetes Catalog describes how to configure the Amalgam8 Registry to synchronize registration information from Kubernetes’ built in service registry.