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What Is Amalgam8?

Amalgam8 is a content and version-based routing fabric for integrating polyglot microservices. Its control plane APIs can be used to dynamically program rules for routing and manipulating requests across microservices in a running application.

Why Use Amalgam8?

The ability to route requests in a content/version-aware manner simplifies DevOps tasks such as canary and red/black deployments, A/B testing, and systematically testing resilience of microservices.

You can use the Amalgam8 platform with popular container runtimes like Docker, Kubernetes, Marathon/ Mesos, or your favorite cloud provider such as IBM Bluemix, Google Cloud Platform, or Amazon AWS.

Image of a lightbulb being connect to a battery by circuits

Connect and Compose Polyglot Microservices

Amalgam8 automates service registration and discovery. It uses OpenResty + Nginx for client-side load balancing. You get the scalability of Nginx and the customizability of OpenResty.

A cube in the middle of multiple arrows on the cardinal directions pointing outward
a diagram showing how the requests flow through the different versions of microservices

Centralized Control of Request Routing

Amalgam8’s controller enables canary testing, red/black deployments, version-based routing rules, etc., with limited effort. You can configure how traffic is routed across edge and mid-tier microservices using a variety of user-defined filters.

Scripted Failure Scenarios with Automatic Validation

Run scripted, reproducible failure scenarios in production without affecting your users, nor crashing your microservices. Automatically validate behavior of microservices during the failure scenario using the Gremlin framework.

an illustration representing a block of code with higlighted failures
decorative x and o pattern

How It Works

Amalgam8 is composed of these three components:


A high performance multi-tenant service registry that provides a centralized view of all the microservices in an application regardless of where they are all actually running.


A multi-tenant controller that provides APIs to the developer for configuring rules for request routing, fault injection, etc. These rules are then translated and sent to the sidecars attached to various microservices.


Applications run as tenants of the Amalgam8 Control Plane. A sidecar process automatically registers the microservice with the registry. It receives instance information from the registry and routing rules from the controller. The sidecar configures the nginx proxy based on the routing rules.

Amalgam8’s native support for multi-tenancy enables you to easily integrate with any platform

We’re looking for contributors!

An image of a heart with a mouse cursor implying a click
A decorative illustation of a set of chemistry vials, test tubes, beakers, and microscope